How Small Changes Can Make a Big Difference in Heart Health

It’s February – American Heart Month – a time when the nation spotlights heart disease and cardiovascular health.

This movement is designed to raise awareness for the fight against heart disease. Coast to coast, you’ll see businesses, news anchors, and entire communities go red to show their support.

Heart disease continues to be the greatest threat to our health according to statistics from the American Heart Association.

But, there’s good news –  small changes to daily habits can create a big and lasting impact on heart health over time. 

Take a look at these healthy steps recommended by the Department of Health and Human Services, the Center for Disease Control, and the American Heart Association. 

Make a Plan With Your Doctor

If you haven’t been keeping up with regular doctor visits, you’re not alone. Many people postponed doctor visits during the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you’ve been putting off a doctor’s appointment, don’t wait! Schedule an appointment today.

Your doctor can help by:

  • Checking your blood pressure and cholesterol numbers.
  • Supporting you in other heart-healthy changes, like quitting smoking.
  • Connecting you with specialists to treat heart problems and other conditions.
  • Prescribing medicines, if you need them.

Need help finding a new health provider? Check out these tips to find a doctor in your area.

Make Movement Part of Your Day

Adding physical activity doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Start slow and go at your own pace. Even just five minutes of activity a day has real health benefits, and you can build up to more over time.

There are all kinds of ways to get active. Try walking with a friend or check out a Senior Star Signature Program like Zumba Gold® or ShapeMaster® or even our Rock Steady Boxing for those battling Parkinson’s.

Any type of movement that makes your heart beat faster is beneficial. Read this guideGet Moving!created specifically for senior adults for more ideas.

Build Healthy Eating Habits

Small changes in your eating habits can make a big difference in your heart health.

Try making half your plate fruits and veggies at each meal.

Healthy meals are available on your schedule at Senior Star. Our Signature Program, Anytime Dining, offers flexibility and peace of mind for our residents.

Senior Star’s full-service dining rooms accommodate all dietary needs with a variety of nutritious meal options at every dining experience. 

Be a Heart-Healthy Role Model

Lead by example and show your family how you’re taking steps to protect your heart – your kids and grandkids will take notice. 

Here’s how:

  • Talk about your family health history. If heart problems run in your family, you can take steps to lower your risk. Starting that conversation with family members is the first step.
  • Get active together. Family time is a great time to be active! Go for a walk together or join them for fun at a park. If your kids or grandkids see you enjoying physical activity, they’ll be more likely to give it a try.
  • Share healthy meals. Mealtimes are a great opportunity to pass on healthy habits. Ask your kids or grandkids to join you in the dining room at Senior Star or reserve a room to host your family for a special meal.

Heart health doesn’t have to be overwhelming or time-consuming. Simple changes can help protect you and your loved ones from heart disease.

Interested in learning more about Senior Star’s wellness initiatives and signature programs? Check out this guide or contact us to learn more. 

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