Everyone remembers the first time they walked into a new school, group, or workplace. You might have felt a bit awkward at first, but it wasn’t long before you met someone you like or started joining a few familiar faces for lunch. When you set out to make friends in retirement senior living, you will find it’s much easier to connect and engage with others, because you are surrounded by friendly people who share your goals and stories.
So, even if you feel a bit rusty, we at Senior Star have a few tips on how to make friends. We’ve listed eight ways here, but we think you’ll quickly discover many more!
1. Get active. Scan the activities calendar and pick out at least one group activity a day and attend. Consider going a few times if it’s a regular class or opportunity. Maybe pick out two events. Ask another resident who’s also attending what activity is their favorite. The beauty of senior living is there’s no pressure—you can participate as much as you choose. If you’re an introvert and enjoy your solitude, you can keep on doing just that—but you might consider some socializing as well.
2. Find another new resident or new resident couple and explore the community together. Maybe you both moved in during the same week or month. Seek them out and see what they’re enjoying. Meet them for a meal or two or have them over to your apartment for a glass of iced tea or for happy hour.
3. Dine at a different table a few times a week. It’s great to find another person or a group with whom you enjoy dining. But consider branching out occasionally and sitting next to someone you don’t know. You might find mealtimes are a great way to make friends in senior living.
4. Invite your neighbors over for coffee or a glass of wine. What better way to make friends in senior living than to express your hospitality? You can keep it as informal and laid back as you like. Maybe set a goal to invite a different fellow resident over once a week. Many people find that inviting others into their home not only is a great way to make a friend in senior living, it also makes you feel more at home.
5. Volunteer. Nothing pulls people together quite like volunteering and helping others. It might be within the senior living community, or beyond the walls in the local area with a civic organization or charity event. Just the act of volunteering is good for you and it’s a surefire way to make friends in senior living!
6. Walk around the community at least once a day. When you first move into a community, it takes a while to get the lay of the land. Start your days with a foot tour if you are able. Inside or outside, weather permitting, you can get a feel for the property, check out the amenities, and greet residents, staff and families along the way. Greeting those you see with a smile is a great way to make new friends.
7. Go on an outing. Join the group for an excursion on the community coach. It might be a visit to a local museum or art gallery. A new lunch destination. Maybe a farmer’s market, festival, or special event in the area. Even if you are brand new, you’ll quickly be “one of the gang” and probably find conversation comes easy.
8. Start a new group. Today’s senior living communities are bursting with stimulating and interesting activities, programs and events. At Senior Star, our Signature Programs ensure that all residents can find activities to nurture their overall well-being at any age. Examples are Laughter Yoga®, Dakim Brain Fitness, BikeAround, and much more. But if you have a special interest and you don’t see it on the calendar, consider starting a group of your own. Sharing your interests and hobbies is an easy way to make friends in senior living.
Relax! Making friends in senior living is easier than you think—you just need time. Before long, you’ll find your days are filled with warm companionship, fun, and laughter. All important for a long and healthy life!
At Senior Star, residents enjoy a wide variety of programs designed to peak individual interests, inspire a sense of purpose and engage holistic health and well-being. Download our free guide Step-by-Step: Successful Transitions to Senior Living for more helpful information. Questions about senior living? Contact us to learn more.