7 Benefits of Downsizing to Senior Living

In many ways, you’ve probably always been “on the move.” In your career, raising a family, caring for aging relatives, or whatever task life has brought your way. Growing older is no different, only this time, the move can lead to a level of freedom that can make your retirement dreams come true. Downsizing to senior retirement living is the secret, and the advantages are many.

Downsizing to senior living: keeping your eye on the prize.

According to Demand Institute, more than 40 percent of Americans aged 50 to 64 plan to move within the next five years. The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College reports that older Americans who move are happier than those who stay put.

Granted, thinking about making a big change can be difficult, and even a little scary. But it’s well worth the time to look at the ultimate payoff such a life change can bring. Here are just a few of the many benefits that come from downsizing to senior retirement living:

Less stress – No mortgage weighing on your shoulders, no property taxes or home insurance and no more waiting for the next big repair bill to hit. Living at home, you might not even realize the toll these stresses can take on you. And while some stress is good for us, according to the Mayo Clinic, too much stress can lead to headaches, muscle tension, chest pain, fatigue, stomach upset, sleep problems and more. Downsizing to senior retirement living means letting it go!

Less stuff – Research has shown that too much stuff (clutter) can create anxiety, so you may actually feel better once you’ve cleared some room. In fact, it can actually be a healing experience, as you are letting go of things you’ve been afraid to give up, along with the negative emotions that can go with that. And just the act of making a decision not only can make you feel good, it can give you a stronger sense of being in control.

More time – Without all the home maintenance and daily chores, your have-to-do list becomes a want-to-do list. Every piece of furniture you part with is one less thing to dust. Every stack of old magazines or books you haven’t looked at in years is one less thing to worry about. Instead, you can relish in the freedom that living in a modern senior retirement living community like Senior Star provides. Create a day jam-packed with activities, or if you prefer, enjoy some peaceful solitude, reflection and a few delicious naps!

More energy – The same old routine can often drain you, while new adventures can give you renewed purpose and zest. Downsizing to senior living can really “lighten” your load, spurring you on to new experiences. Ridding yourself of worn-out items and unused space isn’t just about clearing out items, it’s erasing a lot of emotional baggage from your life. Many people find that downsizing to senior living reveals a deep desire to tackle goals they’ve long set aside. You’re not just growing older; you’re becoming more of who you really are—and senior retirement living can be your gateway.

More amenities – With amenities and activities that resemble a resort in many cases, it’s a nice change to feel more like you’re on vacation all the time. Living in a Senior Star community gives you access to fitness equipment, Zumba classes, yoga, a walking club and other ways to stay physically active, and classes in art, concerts, lectures, group outings. Bridge, trivia, aromatherapy, and Dakim Brain Fitness. There are happy hours, beautiful outdoor spaces, an on-site salon and spa, and cozy areas for visiting with family and friends. The list is long and keeps growing. And everything is designed to positively impact residents’ overall wellness and sense of wellbeing. (It’s a vacation that never ends!)

More freedom – Downsizing to senior retirement living means there’s nothing holding you back from enjoying the life you deserve. You are no longer distracted with thoughts of what’s in the attic or stacked in the garage. With all that is unnecessary eliminated, you can focus on what really matters to you: time with grandchildren. Traveling. Learning to cook a soufflé´. Studying oil painting. Taking your furry friend for a walk. On your schedule, as you choose.

Better location— Senior retirement living communities are often designed specifically to be in the center of it all, making life much more convenient. Instead of worrying about driving, you can join the group for an outing (with transportation provided) to nearby museums, galleries, markets, historical sites, entertainment venues, restaurants and more. You might discover that without the worries that can go into how to get somewhere, you’ll go farther than ever!

Looking for senior options?

Explore lifestyle options available to you and your loved ones and find a new home for yourself and a loved one in a Senior Star Community near you. Learn more about how a move to a senior living community can give you the lifestyle you deserve, download our Successful Transitions guide. Questions about senior living? Contact us to learn more.


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