Creative Writing Corner – featuring Joan D. Sattler

Each week, many of our residents meet for Creative Writing Group with Lisa McKenzie. The class offers a creative outlet and the opportunity to flex their writing muscles.

This month, we’d like to highlight two poems written by Joan D. Sattler:


When you feel all is lost

Just sit down and write

All you are grateful for

It’s very humbling when

You realize that you have

So many things to be

Joyous about

Whenever you feel down

And start to pout just

Raise up your arms

And shout—I have so

Many things to

Be grateful for

Take Pencil to Paper

Take pencil to paper and see

what you wrote

It might be poetry, a fiction

or a non-fiction story or

just an old wives’ tale

Take pencil to paper until

you find that something

inside has showered your

pencil and paper with words

that created this poem

Creative Writing Corner