Creative Writing Corner – featuring Win Swormstedt

Each week, many of our residents meet for Creative Writing Group with Lisa McKenzie. The class offers a creative outlet and the opportunity to flex their writing muscles.

This month, we’d like to highlight a piece written by Win Swormstedt:

Who Are We?

By: Win Swormstedt

Who are we? We are the products of public and private schools, of Midwestern universities, of Eastern liberal arts colleges, of schools of Journalism, Social Work and Engineering.

We are children of first generation Americans, descendants of early settlers.

We are from California, New England, Minnesota, New York, Cincinnati.

We are conservatives, middle-of-the-roaders, liberals, children of the early Communist movement.

We are Catholic, Jewish, Protestant, Agnostic.

We are a poet, an artist, teachers, published writers.

We have lived in inner-cities, in suburbs, in small towns.

We were a photojournalist, a dancer, employees of corporations, non-profit agencies, teachers in elementary schools, high schools and universities.

We are a circle of friends—respecting our differences, applauding our efforts, collaborating with a teacher/writer whose patience and wisdom has bound us together.

creative writing corner